Overall effectiveness
The nursery school works in close partnership with parents to promote the children’s well being:
– daily contact with staff/key-workers
– parents use the nursery website for information and as a point of contact
– parents phone the nursery supervisor and arrange meetings whenever they require
– a two way diary is kept in each child’s folder
– children’s evaluative assessments are updated collaboratively by the parents and nursery
The nursery also works in partnership with the Pre-School Alliance, the Early Years Advisers at London Borough of Enfield, the local SENCO team, Speech & Language Therapists, and Educational Psychologists.
The nursery ensures very high quality and standards in the Foundation Stage:
The nursery supervisor is committed to raising the quality of early years provision and is currently completing Early Years Professional Status training. As an EYP she models the skills and behaviours that safeguard and promote good outcomes for children.
The nursery’s self evaluation is very effective and is used and applied at the nursery on a day to day basis.
The nursery is committed to continually making improvements:
Parents and staff have been provided with forms inviting suggestions for improvements on a continuous basis.
Improvements since last inspection – development of outdoor learning environment; extensive educational software for use by the children; a new computer and printer; new carpeting throughout the nursery; a wide range of new play materials.
A rigorous system of observation, assessment, planning and review is in place ensuring positive outcomes for all children.
Raising the qualification levels at the nursery – the supervisor currently completing level 6; second member of staff – level 3; other two staff members working towards level 2.
Next intended improvements: making better use of piano; building a surround to front garden with seating for waiting parents; developing fish tank e.g. breeding the fish and developing the related topics.
Achievement and standards
It is well documented that the children at this nursery achieve excellent outcomes. All children meet the EYFS goals and most children exceed these goals.
The nursery supervisor is qualified to identify and teach children with specific learning difficulties. Consequently early intervention is assured and children with such needs make excellent progress.
Personal development and well-being
The ethos of this nursery ensures that each child feels valued and supported in all that they do. Children are enable to make positive contributions e.g. tidying up, helping each other, celebrating cultural and religious events, being in charge and empowered. Consequently the children’s behaviour is positive, confident, engaging and enthusiastic. Attendance is excellent.
The children thoroughly enjoy their education – the nursery is committed to the provision of a stretching, challenging curriculum which is inspirational. This enables the children to develop an excellent approach to learning.
Safe practices become second nature to the children: they are encouraged to discuss why such practices are important and this understanding leads them to adopting safe practices: these include, knowing to walk rather than run indoors, to carry scissors safely, how to carry their chairs; the importance of fire drills; wearing a helmet when riding the bicycle.
Healthy practices become second nature to the children: children become increasingly aware of themselves, and practices which ensure their well-being: these include, drinking water to keep hydrated, hygiene, healthy eating, exercise, enjoyment, caring/sharing, fair play and respect for others.
The children experience making a positive contribution to the community in various ways: these include fundraising for Childline, sending Christmas boxes abroad via Operation Christmas Child, highlighting International Downs Syndrome Day – inclusion awareness.
The children develop workplace and other skills which will contribute to their future economic well-being: these include developing high self esteem, negotiating skills, caring/sharing, manners, their sense of fun and enthusiasm is nurtured; the children reach high levels in the six areas of learning making the transition to primary school very successful.
The quality of the provision
This nursery is committed to meeting the criteria for quality provision i.e.
small group size and high adult to child ratio;
high frequency of warm, reciprocal interactions between the caregivers and the children;
highly qualified staff managing the nursery and working with the children
staff having a secure understanding of the nursery curriculum and the road to meeting the early learning goals
very well resourced and suitably prepared environment
strong partnership with parents
a continual process of professional development
a very harmonious, engaging team all aspiring to provide high quality care and education.
The teaching and learning is very effective in meeting the full range of the children’s needs – this is ensured by the use of a rigorous system tracking the children’s progress together with the reflective nature of all practices at this nursery.
The curriculum and all other activities are adapted/modified to meet the range of needs and interests of each child e.g. the child’s interests are noted and the early learning goals are achieved by incorporating activities in the context of the child’s interests – a child whose interest lies with circular activity can be engaged using cogs/wheels through which construction, design, colour matching, shape matching, counting and sharing can all be explored.
The children receive high levels of care, guidance and support. The small group size, high adult to child ratio, the key-worker system and the general ethos of the nursery all ensure this high standards.
Leadership and management
Leadership and management are very effective in raising achievement and supporting all children. The nursery manager/supervisor works with the children and staff each day. This ensures that professional development requirements are identified swiftly and action is taken. Staff appraisals and self-appraisals are carried out regularly. Clear directions are set leading to improvements to promote high quality care and education.
Performance is monitored, evaluated and improved to meet challenging targets – the rigorous tracking system, evaluative assessments, reviews and staff meetings all enable children and caregivers to meet their challenging targets.
Equality of opportunity is promoted – this is part of the ethos of this nursery – use of lists ensure that every child is included is all activities; positive images of all peoples are visible; the nursery’s equal opportunities policy helps to ensure that children achieve as well as they can.
Resources, including staff are effectively and efficiently deployed to maximize value. This ensures the smooth running of the nursery on a day to day basis and results in excellent outcomes for children
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If you’d like more information or would like an application form please contact Gina by phoning 078 0155 7009 or by emailing [email protected].